《BCK体育注册官网》清楚地教导我们,教育的责任属于父母,而不是国家. Proverbs states that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Only by teaching our children the Truth as seen in God’s Word, 我们能否确保他们能够充分地迎接世俗世界的挑战,并为基督的事业动态地影响这个世界.
The Principle Approach 一种教育哲学、一种教学方法和一种课程方法是否合二为一. In fact, The Principle Approach is a way of life. 它将上帝话语的基本真理和原则带入我们日常生活的主流,而不是让当今社会的世俗与神圣的二分法剥夺我们成为上帝希望我们成为的一切. The Principle Approach is 圣经 Christian education. 这是对在我国历史的头两百年中盛行的教育形式的恢复.
Students do use textbooks for skill oriented subjects, by and large, 虽然, textbooks are used as resource tools. 学生和教师都开发出高度专业化的笔记本,成为主要的教学工具. 这增强了要学习的材料的内在化,并创造了一种所有权感,从而增加了长期的保留和应用.
Out of the heart of man come the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). Much emphasis is placed upon character development. 这集中在学习基督教自治原则和上帝的个性原则的基础上. At every grade level, Dayspring的学生被教导渴望耶稣基督的品格,并在他们面前的老师身上看到敬虔的榜样,他们是“活的课程”.
任何一所学校教育的成功和质量在很大程度上取决于学生 people who work there. Being a church-联系d Christian School; we are not bound by state certification and indoctrination requirements. 每一位Dayspring的老师都是高素质的,至少有学士学位,许多人拥有高等学位. 我们的教师不仅展示了教育儿童所必需的技术专长, but a calling of ministry in the area of teaching. Dayspring teachers undergo extensive and ongoing professional training in The Principle Approach and other relevant educational practices.
We see each child as a unique individual (God's Principle of Individuality), created by God with special gifts and talents. 有学习困难的学生在常规的课堂环境中以各种方式得到帮助. Our P139 program offers services to students of all learning levels. Our enriched, 经典课程使学生在创造力和更高层次的思维能力方面充分发挥潜力. Dayspring为有严重学习困难的学生提供国家学习发展研究所(NILD)项目.
Dayspring很高兴与机会奖学金税收抵免(OSTC)项目合作. Because of this program, 我们可以为需要上私立学校的学生提供一些学费援助, not district) identified as failing by the PA Department of Education.
How does the OSTC program work? 联邦政府确定哪些学校属于公立学校的最后15%,并确定这些学生有资格从私立学校获得OSTC学费援助. 然而,作为一所失败学校的一部分并不能保证在Dayspring获得全额奖学金. The funds are not unlimited; the amount of money available through OSTC varies based on the number of contributors to the program.
OSTC项目允许企业与学校合作,将通常支付给州政府的税款推迟支付给Dayspring等奖学金组织学校. For example, 10 businesses can choose to defer their tax payments to Dayspring, for a total of $100,000 being available at Dayspring for qualifying students. To qualify, a family must complete the following:
Submit an application to Dayspring online through our online application form. You must complete an application for each child you want to enroll.
Bring your child to Dayspring for New Student Intake Testing, which the 招生 Office will coordinate with your family.
带家长和高年级孩子(6-12年级)参加新的家庭面试, which the 招生 Office will coordinate with your family.
After you are accepted, Dayspring的学费援助程序要求所有想要考虑任何形式的学费援助的家长完成我们的学费援助申请, which is processed through our third-party tuition management system, 事实. 事实帮助Dayspring确定如何分配学费援助资金,以帮助尽可能多的家庭, and available OSTC funds are factored in at this time. To ensure consideration for Dayspring’s Tuition Assistance program and OSTC, please apply for assistance after completing steps 1-3, as listed above, 4月17日前.
For information about ways your family may benefit from OSTC support, contact John Riddell, Finance Director at jriddell@ensence.net.
如果你有自己的生意,想要帮助Dayspring资助那些学校不及格的家庭, contact John Riddell or Joanne Martin, Development Director, at jmartin@ensence.net.
Take a Tour of Dayspring!
Private tours for you and your child are available. Additionally, 初高中学生可以通过我们的参观项目体验一天的学校生活. Call Karol Hasting at 717-285-2000 or use the button below to register.