Bold. Distinctive. Biblical.
A Principle-Approach® Pre-K–12 Christian School in Lancaster County, PA
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Fast Facts About Middle School

✓ Who: 6th-8th Grades

✓ When: 5 Days/Week, End of August – Beginning of June

✓ Location: 交通便利,距离宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特县30号公路蒙特维尔出口仅1分钟路程

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Educational Philosophy


Middle school students want to know that they are not alone. So, the middle school years (grades 6-8) at Dayspring Christian Academy in Lancaster, PA are focused on student engagement. 我们想让学生们知道,他们的教育是他们的财产,是他们将伴随他们余生的一部分. Since we view and teach education as an avenue to know God Himself, 一个学生的教育之旅的存在是为了找到他或她在神的国度中有效的位置. This makes education so exciting!

The Principle Approach is our method of education. Through the Principle Approach, students are able to see God’s hand in every subject and every area of life. With God’s word at the center of all learning, 学生能够通过他们的主题推理,以达到圣经的结论.

In middle school, students begin to have a variety of subjects and teachers, 同时还需要为日常学习经验提供基础的稳定性和结构. To accommodate this transition, 六年级的老师经常使用类似的课堂惯例和程序,这样中学生就不会被太多的东西压垮, many new practices to learn.

General Information

  • After School: No after school programs are available to middle school students
  • Programs for gifted or students with special needs? Yes. Please check our Student Support Services page for details.
  • School Security/Safety protocols, etc.  适当的安全措施已经到位,以确保我们的家庭对他们宝贵的孩子的安全充满信心, loved and well-cared for.
  • Tuition: $13,900 for Grades 6-8
  • Financial Aid Info: Financial assistance is available. Call John Riddell at 717-285-2000 for details.



Dayspring middle school students in Lancaster, PA

Dayspring Middle School Curriculum

Middle School Math: Figuring Interactive Lessons

Since most middle school students seek social interaction with their peers, Dayspring的老师设计合作项目和其他混合学习活动来引导学生的精力, capture their attention, and enable subject mastery.

For instance, math teachers have students read, discuss, then present findings of a non-fiction article relating to a biblical view of math. 另一个合作数学项目是让学生们一起创建数学方程,得出日期——一年中每个上学月的每个上学日! 另一种方法是让学生“开”一个支票账户,然后保存准确的购物记录, 同时通过现实生活中的加法和减法练习准确的会计.

当然,这是在中学传统数学课之外的. Because Dayspring offers a handcrafted education, students’ are placed in math courses according to tested aptitudes.

Middle School Field Trip to the State Capitol in Harrisburg PA

Dayspring students stand on the steps in the Capitol Building in Harrisburg, PA.

Middle School Students Learn God’s Hand in History

What does a middle school Principle Approach history class look like? At Dayspring, in a recent 8th-grade history class, for example, two students suggested that the class debate the role of the Christian, the church, and government! How do they act separately? 这些角色应该如何在一个不全是基督徒的社会中以一种整合的方式发挥作用? 学生们精心设计问题,思考这些适用于他们生活的世界的复杂问题. They discussed responsibilities of the government, but also of the governed. One of those responsibilities that went into immediate action is prayer. The class prays for our congressmen, the president, and for laws that are just and uphold righteousness.

Literature Comes Alive in Middle School

In Literature, 学生钻研阅读和挑战的任务,包括在上帝的话语搜索, 在文学人物中寻找可以模仿的有益的性格特征, and writing their own devotional lines. 与案头工作相反的动手活动被纳入其中,以允许协作技能的发展, social relationships to be forged, and challenge students to take a look at the subject matter from a different angle. 所有这些不同的学习机会有助于掌握所涵盖的材料.

Spiritual Formation in Middle School

Middle school is a key time in a child’s spiritual formation. To that end, during weekly chapel time, students gather in small groups by grade and gender, 每个小组都有一名导师,与学生就手头的话题进行讨论和祈祷. 这为精神社区以及简单的友谊和理解提供了机会, where walls begin to tumble down. Additionally, 一年一度的静修活动将学生们聚集在一起,进行为期两天的体验,其中包括外部演讲者, times of deep prayer—and fun with friends on adventure courses and more!

Further, with God at the center of every subject at Dayspring, 在整个学术经历中,圣经的基础被锻造,精神形态的形成随着圣经世界观的培养和信仰的启发而形成.

View our Course Catalog and Grading Scale here!

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Student Life

Taking the Field: In-Depth Learning in Middle School

Scripture says, “Come and see the works of the Lord,” (Ps. 66.5). In grades 6-8, 教师让学生在令人兴奋和丰富的实地研究中体验深入的学习. Sixth-grade students camp and investigate Gettysburg and share biographical reports each has written about a Very Important Person (VIP) in the battle; 7th grade travels to the Museum of Natural History in Philadelphia for their Ancient History course and the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter for science; 8th grade heads to the Harrisburg Capitol and State museum 以及兰开斯特的认罪法庭,因为他们在宾夕法尼亚的历史和公民课上.

Athletics & Extra-Curricular Activities

Dayspring的中学生能够参加各种体育和课外活动. Fall sports include boy’s soccer and girls volleyball. Winter is basketball season for both girls and boys. Spring brings track & field. Additionally, 中学生可以参加俱乐部和课外活动,包括我们的春季音乐剧, student government, yearbook, STEM-related clubs, music-related clubs, and much more.


Science and History Field Trip in Christian Middle School


What is the middle school student class size?
24 students per class, 1 class per grade level (6th – 8th).
Are programs available for gifted or students with special needs?
At Dayspring, we see each child as a unique individual, created by a loving Creator, and valued as such. It is because of this that Dayspring has created the P139 program, named for Psalm 139:14, 并设计用于教需要替代或不同教学方法的各个层次的学生, so they may work to their potential.
What school safety/security measures are in place?

Dayspring’s middle school classrooms are large, bright, welcoming, and friendly. 适当的安全措施已经到位,以确保我们的家庭对他们宝贵的孩子的安全充满信心, loved, and well-cared for.

Click here to learn more

Are before and after school programs available?
No, before and after school programs are not available to middle school students.

Dayspring students do use textbooks for skill-oriented subjects, by and large, though, textbooks are used as resource tools. 学生和教师都开发了高度专业化的笔记本,成为主要的教学工具,增强了材料的内在化. 所有的教科书都选择小心与圣经真理对齐,并植根于主要来源.

Learn more about the Dayspring’s approach here

Why should I seek Christian middle school education for my child?
《BCK体育注册官网》清楚地教导我们,教育的责任属于父母,而不是国家. Proverbs states that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Only by teaching our children the Truth as seen in God’s Word, 我们能否确保他们能够充分地迎接世俗世界的挑战,并为基督的事业动态地影响这个世界.
Can I see the school and meet the teachers?

Yes! Visiting Dayspring is a great way to get your questions answered, learn more about the school, meet the middle school teachers and faculty, and see how we can meet your child's individual educational needs.

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Private tours for you and your child are available. Additionally, 初高中学生可以通过我们的参观项目体验一天的BCK体育注册官网. Call Karol Hasting at 717-285-2000 or use the button below to register.

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