Bold. Distinctive. Biblical.
A Principle-Approach® Pre-K-宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特县的12基督教学校
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Fast Facts About Pre-K

✓ Who: 4 - 5岁(必须在学年的9月1日前满4岁)

✓ When: 3-Day (Mon/Wed/Fri) & 5-Day Pre-K Programs are available; both are Full-Day Pre-K.

✓ Location: Conveniently located just 1 minute from the Mountville exit of Route 30 in Lancaster County, PA

宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特县的Dayspring私立全日制学前教育项目使用 The Principle Approach®这是一种圣经式的教育方法,帮助塑造了我们的国家.

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At Dayspring Christian Academy, we provide three levels of early childhood education:

  • Preschool: 2-Days/Week (mornings, for ages 3 & 4)
  • Pre-K: 3 & 5天/周课程(全天,适合4岁) & 5)
  • Kindergarten: 3 & 5天/周课程(全天,适合5岁 & 6)

Pre-K is a 3-day all day program. An optional 2 additional enrichment days creates a full 5-day Pre-K program to parents who are seeking a full-time Pre-K program.


  • 巩固在家里所教导的对上帝的爱.
  • To instill a love for the special gift of learning that God has given to each of us.
  • 帮助父母培养孩子的基督教礼仪和习惯.
  • 开始让孩子适应他/她未来有用的过程.

Dayspring’s private Christian Pre-K program sows seeds of learning in each distinct subject. 孩子们通过学习来扩展他们对学习的热爱 The Principle Approach® method of education, which was used during the colonial and founding periods in America.

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General Pre-K Information

  • After School Programs: Dayspring 提供学前班到5年级的课后课程,从下午3点开始.m. and ends at 5:00 p.m. The program is designed for parents who are unable to pick up their students due to work obligations. Note, we are unable to provide after school services on holidays, snow days, or early dismissal days. 课后活动包括:
  • 为天才或有特殊需要的学生而设的项目: Dayspring provides alternative methods of instructions in order to provide each student a unique learning experience. 我们通过P139学生支持提供几个项目, named after Psalm 139:14, 目的是帮助学生发挥他们的潜力. Please check our P139 Student Support page for additional details.
  • 学校保安/安全协议等. 黎明幼儿园的教室宽敞明亮,热情友好. Appropriate security measures are in place to ensure that our families feel confident that their precious children are safe, loved and well-cared for.
  • Field Studies: Dayspring provides field studies for pre-k students so that they can delve deeper into certain areas of their curriculum. 实地考察的费用包括在学费中. The following field studies are offered to Pre-K students: Cherry Crest Adventure Farm, Choo Choo Barn, Tiny Town,  Lancaster County Park, Oregon Dairy, and Lancaster Science Factory
  • Tuition: $6,699 for 3-day Pre-K
  • Financial Aid Info: Tuition Assistance is available. Call John Riddell at 717-285-2000 for details.

Pre-K in Lancaster PA Smiling Kid

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Pre-K Curriculum & Program Options (3-Day & 5-Day)


  • Children begin to learn the rudiments of the subjects like science, history, and geography.
  • They view God as the author of every subject with a purpose and plan for each in our modern world.
  • 他们开始用自己的手记录他们的学习.
  • 他们甚至开始在每一个学科领域都从圣经中推理.

这种有意识的教学方法 教会学生思考和推理,而不仅仅是背诵事实.

Pre-K in Lancaster PA Play Session3天全天学前班,周一/周三/周五

The program is activity-oriented, 同时引入正式课堂设置的结构和严谨性.

As a first step into scholarship, the student notebook is introduced and students begin formal steps toward reading through the Sound Sensible® program. Seeds of scholarship are sown in every academic subject in an inspirational manner.

Highlights include:

  • Developing early math skills
  • Beginning phonemes and short vowel sounds (many students are reading by the end of the year)
  • 背诵代表字母表中每个字母的圣经经文
  • Exploring music, art, the environment around them to experience the wonder of creation
  • 参观龙氏公园,体验农场动物科学单元
  • A Classical literature focus on:
    • 比阿特丽克斯·波特的生平和作品
    • 鹅妈妈押韵,包括角色装扮日
  • 利用艺术和戏剧来加强对每门学科基础的学习, 包括每一个的圣经基础
  • Being introduced to technology, as it is brought directly into the classroom curriculum
  • Growing in physical education—we incorporate an action-based learning program that prepares the brain for input using challenge, feedback, 通过车站进行身体活动
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Supplemental Kindergarten

The guide behind the IDEA! 补充幼儿园计划包括以下属性:


  • Community-style learning where children are able to share their ideas while also learning to listen to their neighbor.
  • Dedicated time where students can seek to apply biblical principles from direct Bible reading to their lives.
  • Planned brain breaks throughout the day to allow student to refresh their emotional and intellectual think tanks.


  • To expand the student’s knowledge in the areas of science and history and put into practice all they have learned through the use of STEM, collaborative group projects, history character studies, as well as other creative avenues.


  • Getting an opportunity to explore their God-given creative abilities through art, drama, and music.
  • Learning how to be good stewards of the world God has given us by exploring and learning about our National Parks as Jr. Rangers.


  • 让学生充分利用语言, spelling, and math skills already learned and to further their individual abilities in these foundational skills.

The IDEA! program is a stand-alone program which takes place on Tuesdays and Thursdays through the school year. The program may be added to our 3-day prekindergarten or kindergarten programs to create a full-day, 5-day kindergarten program.



Dayspring提供3天(星期一/三/五) & 为期5天的学前班(全日制,4岁) & 5).
At Dayspring, 我们认为每个孩子都是独一无二的个体, created by a loving Creator, and valued as such. 正是因为如此,Dayspring创建了P139学生支持计划, named for Psalm 139:14, and designed to teach students at all levels who require alternative or differentiated methods of instruction, so they may work to their potential.
Dayspring提供学前班到五年级的课后课程. The program starts at 3 p.m. and ends at 5 p.m. 我们不能在节假日、下雪天和提前下课的时候提供课程.
Dayspring offers several field studies in order to fully delve into curriculum topics. Some Pre-K locations include, 在啾啾谷仓学习科学和旅行/交通, 去俄勒冈奶牛场了解农场的春天, 以及兰开斯特科学工厂,亲身体验科学探索.
The Bible clearly teaches that the responsibility of education belongs to parents, not the State. 箴言说:“敬畏耶和华是智慧的开端。.只有教导我们的孩子神的话语中的真理, will we ensure that they can adequately meet the challenges of a secular world and affect that world dynamically for the cause of Christ.
Will my child use the same textbook as government schools or other Christian schools?
学生们确实使用教科书学习技能导向的课程, by and large, though, textbooks are used as resource tools. Students and teachers alike develop highly specialized notebooks that become the primary teaching-learning tools. This enhances the internalization of the material to be learned and creates a sense of ownership which increases long-term retention and application.

Yes! 参观Dayspring是一个很好的方式来得到你的问题的答案, learn more about the school, meet the Pre-K teachers and faculty, 看看我们如何满足您孩子的个性化教育需求.

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我的孩子是否有一个过渡期? 父母如何处理分离焦虑?
Some children may experience separation anxiety during their first days of school. We understand that most children need time to realize they are safe here at school. We show them they are safe by holding the little ones or sitting next to them as they get to know and feel more comfortable with their peers. We allow parents to walk children to class daily or as often as the parents want to do so. We use encouraging words as we help them to learn and remind them their parents will be back to get them at the end of the day. 通常情况下,我们会看到分离焦虑在几天内消失. 所有的老师都很擅长让孩子们在学校感到被爱和安全.
我们的Dayspring学前班有一名助手协助老师. Teacher to student ratio is 9:1.
Appropriate security measures are in place to ensure that our families feel confident that their precious children are safe, loved, and well-cared for. 学前班教室的设计考虑到了孩子们的健康和安全.

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我们为您和您的孩子提供私人旅游. Additionally, middle and high school students are able to experience a day of school at Dayspring through our visitation program. Call Karol Hasting at 717-285-2000 or use the button below to register.

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